This year Scott is getting two stenciled T's from the babe and I. Pretty easy and fun to make, except its a bit trickier when holding a baby. The stencils were made using freezer paper and the shirts I bought at American Apparel (they are so soft and buttery, love AA!).
I choose the designs based on sentimental meaning. For S's birthday the first year we were married, I made him a homemade cake with that exact surfer guy on it. He's always wanted to get the motif made into a sticker for his car window. I thought of just making the decal for him, but its kinda become a long running joke that it hasnt happened yet when he wants it so bad but always ends up leaving the darn design at home when were going to places that have a sticker booth. So hence came the shirt idea.
The long sleeve shirt I designed, although the drawing of the seahorse I did on paper was MUCH better than the actual seahorse here. I'd like to add more detail to it, and looking back i should have used fabric markers which would have allowed for blending and creating dimension right off the bat. Oh well. Anyhow, the circle represents the circle of life (and the ocean), and the seahorse is a symbol of amazing father he is to our sweet little boy. Did you know that the males seahorse is the one who looks after, nurtures and protect the little ones? So sweet, huh?

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